Specialist Referral Guidelines

If you are referred to a specialist and are instructed to make your own appointment please allow a minimum of one week from the date you call until the actual date of the appointment in order to obtain insurance authorization. After you make your appointment you must call our referral coordinator at (407) 843-1620 and leave a voice mail with the following information:

  • Specialist’s name
  • Date and time of your appointment
  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your insurance company ID#

Our referral coordinator will obtain the authorization for your visit and will notify both you and the specialist.


  • The referral coordinator needs 1 week to complete the authorization process. Therefore, make sure you allow that much time when you schedule your appointment.
  • If you do not follow these guidelines, you will need to reschedule your appointment until the authorization process is completed, or you will be responsible for payment for the specialist visit.